Saturday, July 23, 2011

I Hate It When . . .

You know what I hate? I hate a lot of things. Hate is a very strong emotion and I try not to hate anything. But, to be honest, I do hate a lot of things. Here is a list of things that I hate. It is entirely possible that I hate more things than I have listed. Maybe I could list those items another time and perhaps by that time, I won't hate some of the items listed here. Yeah, right!!!

--I hate it when I am having a conversation with someone and I can see them suddenly lose interest in what I am saying. They keep nodding and saying, "Un-huh. Yes, I think so, too." But I KNOW they are no longer listening.

--I hate it when I have been assigned or have accepted a specific responsibility or job and someone else notices I have made a mistake and THEY correct it. Chances are good that they won't even say anything about my error. They will just fix it.

--I hate it when I allow other people to make me feel inferior.

--I hate "fair weather" sports fans. It takes a true fan to stay loyal to a team in a slump.

--I hate it when I have to say "No" to panhandlers. I really want to give them everything that they need.

--I hate it when I witness children being disrespectful to their parents.

--Even worse, I hate it when I witness parents being disrespectful to their children.

--I hate discourtesy and rudeness.

--I hate bad breath, especially my own!

--I hate it when I order a meal at the restaurant and the waitress brings me the wrong order and instead of telling her, I EAT IT ANYWAY!!

--I hate it that faraway, cigar smoke smells wonderful and up close it makes me retch!!

--I hate it when I strike up a conversation with an "old man" in line at the grocery store and find out that he and I were high school classmates!

I think I could go on and on about the things I hate. But I think I will stop here. After all, there are so many more things that I love. That would be a list of items that would be much more enjoyable to write.