Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Finding an Oasis

I am sitting in the Starbucks in the West Valley area of Yakima. It is just like all other Starbucks I have been in. However, it took me almost an hour to find it. Whereas in the greater Seattle area, one can find a Starbucks VERY easily, it is different here. I saw a few other, independent espresso stands, but no Starbucks. Perhaps coffee is not the first type of drink that Yakima-ites think of when the outdoor temperature is above 90 degrees!! Hence, not the same demand for countless numbers of Starbucks stores.

But now I'm here and I feel very comfortable. Whether one endorses Starbucks coffee or not, it is always nice to find a coffee "home away from home". I am tucked away in a corner, just my trusty laptop and me. And of course, my coffee. Now, I don't drink any of the many "foo-foo" drinks that Starbucks offers. No triple-shot, double-hot,non-fat,with no whip for me. If it takes longer than three seconds to order, I am not interested. "Tall drip, no room, please". One or two seconds and my order is taken. Another ten seconds and I have paid and my coffee is in my hand. But that's just me.

A coffee house is much different than a restaurant or a pub or any other gathering place. It is relaxed, fairly quiet and one can just sit and "be". In a restaurant, after food is consumed, one departs. Most people don't stay and visit very long after their meal is complete. In a pub, the longer the patrons stay, the rowdier and louder they get. The atmosphere there is not as comfortable for me as a coffee house. If you are with a friend, you can visit: no time limit. If you are alone: no time limit. If you are in a hurry, you can run in, order, pick up and leave. If you are hungry, you can order a small snack. It's my kind of place.

People have been relaxing with a "steamin' hot cup o' Joe" for centuries. And I know why!!

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