Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Happy Birthday, Dad (Louis S. Castro 1923-1994)

Today would have been your 87th birthday. And very unlike many of the past years at this time, I would like to wish you a Happy Birthday. You and I never seemed to have ever gotten onto "the same page." You were all about 'work' and 'responsibility' and because of that, I was always about 'play' and 'taking it easy'. You know, you could have backed off a little. It really might have helped us a bit. And you know, it sure would have been nice if you could have played catch with me or taken me to a movie or concert or game or whatever once in a while. On the other hand, I guess I could have been a little more understanding. But I wasn't and you didn't. Perhaps it was the cross that we both had to endure.

RaeLyn and I have two wonderful kids, Jason (32) and Julie (27). Jason is married and has two little girls, Bailey (4) and Madison (2). They are very smart and very cute. Both Jason and his wife, Jill are teachers; he at the high school level and she at the elementary. Both of them hold a Master's degree. He is also the baseball coach and he's very good, Dad!! He was actually voted the 2A Washington State High School Baseball Coach of the Year this year. We are all so very proud of him. He has a wonderful sense of humor and is way smarter than his dad ever was!!

Julie is also a college graduate and is employed at a physical therapy clinic in Everett, as the office manager. She runs a tight ship, Dad, and they love her!! Her fiance, Tyler, is a fine young man who is hoping to become a teacher soon. And they will be married within the next year or so. (I will sure miss her! She is just a delight to be around---just like her Mom!)I know you would have loved her very much!

RaeLyn is still teaching Preschool with Head Start. She is so good with the little ones and they sure love her. She is really looking forward to retirement soon, though. Her job is very demanding and it really takes a toll on her.

I retired from teaching 5 years ago and work now for a mental health agency in Everett as a courier. It is a good job for me and I like the driving. The money comes in handy and it keeps me busy. I really loved teaching music and I honestly found some success there. I really think I was a help for some kids and that makes me feel good.

You know, Dad, although you and I were never much for being friends, I do miss having you around from time to time. I see other men who still have their dads around and I am jealous for that blessing. When I spend time with Jason I realize how much he has to be thankful for. I am not "blowing my own horn" as a dad, but just noticing that Jason still has his father around. I guess in that sense, I miss you.

I thank God, Dad, that you brought me into this world. I am very sorry that we never got to honestly and truly know one another and I look forward to the day that that can happen. You know how much I love baseball (yes, I still love it!!!!). I hope that when the time comes for us to join you, you will take in a game or two with Jason and me. We'd love to have you. Happy Birthday!

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