Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Spouting Off

Alright, that's it--I have had it!! I know many people will say that I am opinionated, narrow-minded and old-fashioned. I don't care, I've had it!

I figure that I have heard the American national anthem over 2,000 times in the past 30 years. What with all the sporting events I have attended as a spectator and as Official Scorer for the Everett AquaSox, I must have heard at least that many.

At yesterday's AquaSox game I heard it again; it was horrible!!! Wrong words (it's 'perilous' NOT 'perolis', o'er' NOT 'for') wrong notes (hard to describe, I have heard it more and more with a half-step where there should be a whole-step in the ascending scale that occurs three times in the song), show-off key (started way too high and then had to scream to complete the song).

Oh, and by the way, the American national anthem is not jazz, pop, rock, rhythm & blues, or any other contemporary style. It is not being performed for an individual to share with a large audience how great a singer they are. It is not being sung for the self-aggrandizement of the singer. The purpose of the singing of the Star-Spangled Banner is to remind all those in attendance how very fortunate we all are to be able to attend that event in peace.That's all; it's not a time reserved for the singer to mock the song by inventing a new rendition. Sing it right, that is, honorably, and get off the field!!!

If you are going to sing it, learn the words and what they mean! It is poetry, not everyday language and if you are going to sing it, then learn the poetic words and their meanings. If you don't mean what it says, don't sing it! Millions of men and women died for you to have the honor of living in a country that is free of oppression. Millions more sacrificed their lives, even though they lived through combat.

I have sung this song many, many times. It was an honor to do so each and every time. I love this song and what it stands for. I am one of those who did not serve in the military but I am deeply grateful to every single person who did. This is my small way of thanking them.

The next time someone sings this song at a sporting event, I hope they remember that it is not 'ABOUT THEM'!!!

1 comment:

Jaci Cummings said...

Thank GOD! I love you, Pat Castro, and I'm not ashamed to say it!